the traffic jam

This is sometimes found in supermarkets where someone, usually female, with an arse so enormous it makes the average two-seater look small, shoving a trolley piled high with junk food, suddenly stops. This may be because she’s suddenly gone AWTF or it could be because she’s trying to decide whether to have ten or twelve krispy kremes to help her recover from all this strenuous shopping. She blocks the aisle, traffic builds up behind and in front of her, the fat cow is deaf to polite requests to move or even, “Get out of the way you fucking mammoth!” The result is gridlock and it usually takes half an hour and several members of staff to get things sorted out. See also Road Block.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to the traffic jam. Some of the top words include: cow, oinker, chummin, Gastro-Boy, back tits, and 25 more.